“一带一路”倡议与稀土产业发展 -人生就是搏尊龙

时间: 2020-03-17

朱铭岳, 吴建思, 崔中倪

上海市稀土协会, 上海 200234


关键词:  稀土  “一带一路”  未来发展

“the belt and road” initiative and development in the rare earth industry

zhu mingyue, wu jiansi, cui zhongni

shanghai association for rare earth, shanghai 200234, china

abstract:based on an overview of rare earths,this paper points out the future development direction of the rare earth industry.chinese rare earth enterprises shall actively establish economic and trade cooperation relationships with countries along the course of 'the belt and road',and further expand cooperation concerning the selection and marketing,and scientific and technological innovation of functional materials made from precious rare earths,thus setting an example of 'china's best and world-leading' cooperation in this field.

key words:  rare earth  “the belt and road”  future development

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