中文关键词: 钆(gd) 金属有机框架材料(mof) 造影剂 磁共振成像(mri)
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(21601124;21701111)
research progress of gd-mof magnetic resonance contrast agent
zhou weixiu, lin jiaomin college of chemistry and materials science, shanghai normal university, shanghai 200234, china
magnetic resonance imaging(mri) is an important imaging technology in routine clinical medicine.gd-based metal organic framework material(gd-mof) combines the unique magnetism of rare earth element gadolinium(gd) and the unique porous framework of mof,showing excellent contrast performance.gd-mof represents a new kind of potential mri contrast agent.in this paper,we summarized the recent research progress of gd-mof contrast agent.
key words: gadolinium(gd) metal organic framework(mof) contrast agent magnetic resonance imaging(mri)